Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


Gay Bride of Frankenstein

New Musical "Gay Bride of Frankenstein" is being broadcast live from The Players Ring in Downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire every night of it's three week run!!!

Written by Seacoast area locals Dane Leeman and Billy Butler, Gay Bride of Frankenstein a love story so completely new and original is probably one of the best "new" shows I've ever seen.

This show could go places.

And the music?! So good! Watch for yourself! And you can read more about the show here!

What an awesome idea!

Not in Portsmouth? Can't afford a ticket? Just watch here... on UndiscoveredCelebrity.blogspot.com!


If this link doesn't work you can watch it at: http://www.mogulus.com/gaybridelive

YES YES YES! Amazing!

This video melts my heart.

First off I love Boston and all the people in it (how 'bout those Sox tonight?!).

Second off... I love crazy subway people!!!

Thirdly, this reminds me of New York, and I can't wait to be back. The only difference is the accent and the language. Ha.

Check this OUT!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What the...?!?!?!?!??!

This is America. These people voted for Bush. These people will be voting for McCain.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Other than Hillary, I was for this guy.

The liberal media didn't like this guy, because there wasn't much to make fun of. He's brilliant and knows what we need to do the fix this country.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA? We sweep guys like this under the carpet.

The National Debt Clock has to be redone to ADD NEW NUMBERS!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Some clips...

Say hello to the reason the world thinks America is now a joke.


SO good.

Matt Damon is NERVOUS!

And I don't blame him ONE BIT!

fight, Fight, FIGHT!


The "ladies" of The View on ABC get a little tempered and an all out verbal brawl breaks out.

I wish, Wish, WISH that we could see/hear what happened during the commercial break! I'll bet Barbra FREAKED!

Music Must Have... maybe.

I don't know about you, but I love hits from the 20's - 50's.

There's something raw, soulful, and awesome about the music from those decades.

I found a nice little number on iTunes yesterday!

For $17.99 you can get 60... count 'em, 60 hits of the 1930's.

The album is called:

RITZY: Popular Music from the 1930's

It's awesome. If you like stuff like that.

Like me.


Click the image above for an amazing article on Sarah Palin.