Holy shit.
- Laughing
- Normal voice
- Sex pot
- Polite
- Smiles
- Legs
- Hair
Folks, I haven't seen Britney like this since 2003... she is back. I can't tell you how happy I was to have discovered this new video promoting the Video Music Awards. I'm sad Perez isn't reporting on her anymore, because of that shitty lawsuit SONY slapped against him, I probably would have known this was coming - it wouldn't have hit me like a ton of bricks.
I'm extremely excited by this video. Not in the way you're thinking though... I'm excited because she seems to be extremely happy, balanced, and dare I say NORMAL (shock and awe responses are completely appropriate).
I don't want to get my/your hopes up... but could she be performing again? Could this year actually mark a comeback?! Could her new album she's working on top Blackout (her most critically acclaimed album - and my favorite)? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
By the way:
Britney is nominated for her 16th MTV Video Music Award (VMA)... a Moon Man if you will. And did you know - she's yet to actually win one!? So, head over to MTV.com and vote for her if you care at all. If not send good vibes her way. Real good ones... not "I hope she does well, but I secretly hope she's a complete disaster" vibes like we all sent last year.
You know you did.
Anywho... enjoy the short clip below. And don't judge her for not remembering that guys name. Do any of you actually know who he is? I don't. HA.