Head over to the New York Times Magazine page HERE for a great set of creepy video shorts. The collection is called Touch of Evil. Some of them consist of a but more than a touch.
My favorites are Brad Pitt and Viola Davis, but Ms. Dunst was a creeper too.
I've just now jumped on the Katy Perry bandwagon. I think it was the Glee version of "Firework" that got me.
I think it's safe to say that Katy's video for "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" is one of the BEST videos to come out in the pop music world so far this year (Britney - take a cue.)
It's funny, it GOES WITH THE SONG, it's got some fantastic cameos in it... and Katy isn't afraid to be a compete idiot/dress crazy/have fun with it.
So, I'm still not a huge Ke$ha fan. I just can't get into her glitter gun, I haven't showered, I'm original (yet copy a little bit of everyone) style and most of her music gives me awkward shivers.
I can't stop listening to this song lately, and it's killing me.
Perhaps it's because there's a massive amount of James Van Der Beek in the video. Which could make anything better (HINT: Britney - if he had been in your "I Want to Go" video it would have been a LOT better.)
Here's Ke$ha's slightly awesome (a 6 out of 10) video for her song "Blow."
I'm kind of in love with the Honda Civic ads that have been popping up online and on TV.
Check this one out... they've definitely ripped off Where the Wild Things Are to try to grab the attention of environmentally conscious 80's babies and new fans of the book/recent film:
And this one is pretty cute... I'm jealous of the beard. It's called, "Date with a Woodsman." Haha. Love.
If I were in the market for a car - which I'm not, because NYC has a beautiful (albeit somewhat expensive) subway system - these ads would definitely get me to try out a Civic.
I think this might be my next DVD purchase! How did I not know that this existed?!
My favorite musical Anything Goes was immortalized on film by Frank Sinatra and Ethel Merman and I had no idea. Terrible.
This video is amazing. I think I was born in the wrong decade.
The show has been through MANY incarnations as it was one of the first American Musicals as we know them today. Sutton Foster and Joel Grey currently star in the most recent Broadway revival which opened a few weeks ago.
I'll be seeing that VERY soon I hope.
Enjoy the preview starring Frank and Ethel below. (PS - a match made in musical heaven, but an odd pairing based on looks... no?)
If you can't see the video head over to http://undiscoveredcelebrity.blogspot.com for the actual post.
This is actually pretty nice. Do you think it's early in the day or late afternoon? The sun is shining bright, people look happy... my guess is morning.
There is no reason for this. Maybe in a movie, but... really. Why?
Introducing light up cereal boxes. They react to an electrified coil in the shelf, so they wouldn't be doing this at home, but they're going to do everything they can to attract you in the store.
Apparently there's been drama surrounding this ad. Doritos had a contest for fans to create their Super Bowl ad... this was one of the submissions and it's hysterical. I can see why they wouldn't air it during a family television event (it's a bit suggestive - gay or not).