Sunday, November 9, 2008

No on 8

With the PASSING of Prop. 8 in California same sex couples have been once again denied the right to a fair and equal life (which is unconstitutional).

So, now people (or the homosexual less-than-people) who were married over the past year are looking at having their marriages annulled by the state making their bond non-legal and unsupported by the state. Although none of that should matter (the bond between two people is and should be stronger than any marriage certificate) it does.
It matters because as a legal spouse (and only as such in most states) you can visit your sick loved one in the hospital, because you're considered immediate family. You are allowed tax deductions as a married couple, and your children are considered legitimate (how awful to call one child legitimate and another illegitimate).

Melissa Ethridge boiled up some blood this week when she stated that if she is a lesser citizen that is not allowed the same rights as a heterosexual couple, then she should have to pay all those tax dollars that go towards the benefits that heterosexual couples are allowed.

There have been Gay Succession groups started on that call for homosexuals and their supporters to not make any purchases for a day, on the same day so that no tax money is sent Washington by a homosexual or a supporter. Although that may not make an enormous effect it will send a message. If a lot of people do it, it will send a big one.

The Mormon church has also been thrust into the spotlight by throwing their support (in the form of volunteering throught he church and money donated) towards the YES on 8 cause. This website is calling for the Mormon church to be stripped of their "tax exempt" status as a religous organization, because as such they are not allowed to interfere directly in the government and the lives of its citizens. In a matter of a few days their petition has already been signed by tens of thousands of people across the world.

There have been marches, riots, and peaceful pleas from people all around the globe about this California Proposition.

Isn't it time that people opened their eyes and their hearts and listened.

This isn't a choice. If it was I sure as hell wouldn't have chosen it.

Everyone on earth should be allowed the same rights as anyone else.


Californians I beg you to fix what you have done. Look at it through our eyes. Look at it as a compassionate human. Look at it as what it is... a natural right. Happiness, love and compassion.

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