Monday, February 23, 2009

The Oscars.

Oscars Pictures, Images and Photos


I thought the Oscars tonight were TERRIFIC!

The new format was absolutely perfect. It kept me watching, it kept me entertained, and at times it was very touching.

I loved the presentation format for the actor awards, with the five previous winners speaking of the nominees. It was actually really nice. It was interesting to see how the Hollywood heavyweights all interacted when they had to say nice things about their competition and and coworkers.

It was also interesting to see people complain, pretty much in front of the world... like Bill Maher. Sir... we all know you're not nominated, you're presenting the award in the category. Don't tell us how upset you are about it. Just because you're Bill Maher doesn't mean you should be nominated. Obviously there were five better choices. Let it go.

I thought the musical numbers were fun, but lacked something. Talent? Hugh was great and did everything he could, but obviously they had the wrong people writing these things. If you want spectacle, and pazaz, and something eye catching and entertaining... have it done by the right people. The Broadway people. Hollywood can't do it without B'Way's help.

I also can't BELIEVE Slumdog took so much home! I guess I'll have to see the movie. I really wanted Benjamin Button to take something in one of the major categories... but alas, it didn't happen.

What did you think of the Oscars this year? Let me know!

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