Friday, April 25, 2008

I <3 Nalgene


Life is too complicated!

A huge part of my childhood AND so far my adulthood has been all over the news.

Since I was a cub scout I've been using my Nalgene bottles!

I have 12. That's right 12. People always get them for me because I ALWAYS have one on me. I have them covered in bumper stickers in all the colors... I think they may be more of a New England thing, but I always had mine on me at school, at theatre rehearsals, sporting events. In college I had them at rehearsals and no one knew what they were... however they went through bottles of Poland Spring like, well... water.

A news cast called for everyone to THROW THEM AWAY!!!

No effing way!

A chemical called BPA apparently can cause OBESITY, a disease that causes your liver to shut down, and one report claimed it could cause Alzheimers. The chemical is what makes the plastic to be strong but also pliable. It softens the plastic. It's found in almost ALL baby toys and products.

The FDA is being very hesitant about these reports as they have not been 100% proven yet. Nalgene said the chemical was harmless in their products because it can not leach out and if it could it would be too small amount to cause any harm.

Doesn't matter though. People are calling for all plastics with the number 7 on them (the recycling number... I hope you all know what that is) to be THROWN AWAY. Why? So we can full our landfills with the chemical? I'm confused by that.

I'm not giving up my Nalgenes yet. I definitely wont throw them away... paint brushes, pencils, colored pencils, toiletries, Apple wires and plugs... a lot of stuff can fit in them.

Don't throw them out. Reuse them, at least hold onto them until all this information is validated. With or without them I'm still going to be fat. Haha.

Nalgene has said though that they will be taking care of the issue. They're removing the chemical... but I'm sure they'll just replace it with another one.

I don't care. I love my Nalgene, its been everywhere with me. NY, ME, NH, OH, Carnegie Hall, college, high school, dates, prom, camping... I won't let it go. I WON'T!!


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